social security

Social Security Fairness Act – Could Your Family See a Benefit?

As one of his final acts in office, President Biden signed the Social Security Fairness Act into law on January 5th 2025. This law repeals two provisions that have reduced social security benefits for certain non-Social Security covered employees by up to 50%. Your family or someone you know could be affected if they are receiving pensions from employment that is not covered by Social Security, which includes teachers, police officers, firefighters and other public servants. The change is expected to increase social security benefits for approximately 2.5 million retirees. The two provisions that have been repealed are the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). People who earned a pension from non-Social Security employment had their Social Security reduced by up to half, while in the case of the GPO, it reduced benefits by two thirds of their pension for those who qualified for spousal or

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