Orsi Arone Rothenberg Turner, LLP

Thursday, Jan. 7th – Tax Aspects of Cryptocurrencies Video Conference

TAX ASPECTS OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES Thursday, Jan. 7th, 9am-12:30pm ET Led by Eric P. Rothenberg, Esq., MBA Register Now With Bitcoin jumping from $3,900 in March to $28,000 in December there was much selling in 2020. The IRS now asks on page 1 of Form 1040 if you received, sold, sent, exchanged, or otherwise acquired cryptocurrency. If one of your clients answers yes to this question, are you prepared to analyze your client’s situation and advise him/her as to what needs to be reported (if anything) on a 2020 tax return? If not, you may want to attend our 4-hour live video conference entitled Tax Aspects of Cryptocurrencies on 01/07/21 from 9:00am-12:30pm led by Eric P. Rothenberg, Esq., MBA who represents and prepares income tax returns for individuals who buy and sell cryptocurrencies. Eric’s discussion will include FinCEN regulations issued on 12/23 and the increase in the use of digital wallets as

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Why Does Estate Planning Matter to Your Clients?

Posted by Robert L. Arone In 2008, Congress recognized the need for the public to understand the importance and benefits of estate planning by passing House Resolution 1499, which designated the third week of October as National Estate Planning Awareness Week. Nevertheless, according to a 2019 survey carried out by Caring.com, 57% of adults in the United States have not prepared any estate planning documents such as a will or trust despite the fact that 76% viewed them as important. Many of the respondents said this was due to procrastination, but many others mistakenly believed that it was not necessary because they did not have many assets. Estate Planning Awareness Week is a great reminder of the need to explain what estate planning is to your clients and why it is crucial for them not to delay putting an estate plan in place, regardless of the size of their estate. What

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